Monday, September 17, 2012

Macro Monday - {Tampa Bay Photographer}

Today's Macro Monday is an experiment...well technically, the post isn't an experiment, but ABOUT and experiment to get rid of the ants in the yard.   There are a number of ant mounds at the new house and we wanted to get rid of the with the least about of poisons possible.  My husband read about putting grits on the mound.  In theory the ants eat the grits, the grits swell and they blow up.  He tried it on a couple of mounds and feels like it worked.  I of course told him that I wanted to photograph the next attempt and document it's success!

I can't attest to the success, but below are photos from the effort.   The ants do love the grits and were running around taking them inside to the young ones and with luck the queen (if it indeed kills them).  I will report back next week to let you know what happens.  In the meantime, I thought I'd google information to back up the theory behind our plan of attack.  Unfortunately most all of the ones I found suggest that this is folklore and won't work.  Another insisted that it has to be instant grits or it won't work.  Unfortunately, we didn't put down instant grits, so that could be two strikes.

We did try one home made remedy that did work and that is honey and borax, but that's for another post!

While I was out shooting the ants, I wanted to take a stab at photographing the water fountain in the pool.  This is the tip top of the fountain.  Love the bubbles and how it looks solid.  Will definitely be playing around with this more, trying different settings. 
***UPDATE:  Unfortunately the grits didn't work!  :(


  1. very cool. Im excited to see more from the fountian.

  2. Love these - even though ants totally creep me out. .. *grin* I've never heard of the grit's theory, did it work?

  3. That's good know. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hum, maybe I should try this too, thanks for the tips!

  5. Hmm I've never heard of the grits idea! I love the macro shots. That little ant looks so defined! Great job

  6. Very fun, I would think the grits would need moisture to swell, not sure how that works in an ant hill. Looking forward to the follow up.

  7. Love it, always a great perspective!

  8. I love your inspiration and perspective! So unique!

  9. Love the macro! Inspires me to get into it myself!
